Welcome To STARs In Schools

We provide resources for educators, school staff, and parents to help them better understand the unique needs of military children with deployed parents.

Greetings to you and your family from the ROA STARs Foundation,

We would like to introduce ourselves to you to offer our support as you and your family face your deployment. You have so many details to attend to at this busy time; we hope this site provides ideas, resources, and strategies helpful in easing this stressful time in your family’s life.

This website contains resources for educators, school staff, and parents to help them better understand the unique needs of children with deployed parents.

History has shown that children of Military Reservist and National Guard parents who are being deployed (or are deployed) often are affected emotionally by their parent’s absence ~ frequently the parent may be in a dangerous area of the world and very far away. As a nation we need to support our military personnel AND THEIR FAMILIES.

STARs Foundation is an organization of patriotic individuals and corporations who Stand Together for America’s Reservists and National Guard! STARs Foundation supports the programs of the ROA (dba: Reserve Organization of America). ROA is the nation’s leading advocate for members of the Reserve Components, their families, and veterans of the Reserve force. ROA was founded in 1922 and received its congressional charter in 1950; ROA is the only national organization with an exclusive focus on support of the nation’s seven uniformed reserve components: the Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Coast Guard Reserve and the reserve components of the Public Health Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

We consider it our honor to support you and your family as you serve our nation!

With great gratitude and support,

Col. Margaret A. Cope, USAF (Ret.)

STARs Foundation Board Member / STARs In Schools Chairman

About STARs in Schools

We would like to introduce ourselves to you to offer our support as you and your family face your deployment. You have so many details to attend to at this busy time; we hope this site provides ideas, resources, and strategies helpful in easing this stressful time in your family’s life.

STARs for Schools

The purpose of this page is to provide guidance and resources to school systems that support students whose parents are deployed for military service. These students present unique needs that impact their academic, social, and emotional well-being.

STARs for Students

All members of a family should contribute to helping the home run smoothly, but a child’s primary job is to be a student. If adding responsibilities such as chores, or taking care of younger siblings, are cutting into the time your child needs for studying and doing homework, he or she could fall behind in class.

STARs for Families

You’re part of a military family that numbers in the millions. You share common experiences, values and feelings of being in this together. That’s community. To support and bolster your own family, lean on your military community – including Military OneSource – to find answers and guidance from those who have been there, done that.